Job Vacancies

Current Job Vacancies - Apprenticeships - Internships

Fancy a Career at LOG-IN? No Problem. Just Log In.

We are always on the lookout for hard-working and motivated employees for our haulage team. Here you can find the current job announcements. You can also apply on spec at any time.

We look forward to working with you in the near future.

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Further Job Vacancies in the Group

Here you will find interesting jobs in other departments of our group.


Apply now

1 Personal data

2 Desired Position

Here you can specify your desired position, expected salary and earliest start date.

3 Upload your data

Please upload all of your documents (cover letter, C.V. with photo and relevant certificates) directly from your computer. Please note that the documents can only be accepted in PDF format and with a maximum file size of 10MB.

If your files are not in PDF format, please convert them using a PDF converter, e.g.

4 Send your Application

Should you contact us via the contact form, your details, including the contact details provided by you, will be saved by us for the purposes of dealing with your inquiry and in case of any follow-up questions. This data will not be shared without your consent.

For further information please refer to our data protection regulations.

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